What Birds Names Can Tell You about Brand Naming

By 100m
August 28, 2013
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Filed under Branding, Naming, Positioning

You can learn a lot about branding from the animal kingdom. In the animal world, survival is all about passing on your genetics. The key to being successful is to attract as many mates as possible. When you think about it, this is pretty similar to what you’re trying to accomplish when you’re building a brand. You want to attract as many people as possible and then you want to keep them around. Looking at the way that animals attract mates is a great way to think about brands and brand naming.


Consider birds and birds names.

Birds and birds names can be particularly instructive in this respect because of one very famous example—the peacock. The beautiful colors and form of a peacock feather have become iconic—they’re used as design elements in all kinds of human creations, from jewelry and fabrics to corporate logos. Like everything else in the natural world, peacock feathers don’t look the way they do by accident. There’s a biological purpose to every aspect of the peacock. In the same way, there should be a business purpose to every aspect your brand. The look, feel, and sound of your brand needs to be carefully considered to attract potential customers and entice current clients.

Peacocks use these feathers to put on a show for prospective mates, just as your company ought to put on a show for your audiences. Male peacocks raise their colorful tail feathers and shake them while making mating calls to attract the females. They use a combination of different elements—visuals, sounds, and movement to communicate the message of their appeal to the females. Similarly, successful branding requires melding a number of different elements to communicate a consistent brand message.

Birds names may have been created by humans, not gifted by evolution, but it’s still important to think about what these names tell us about the birds. In the case of the peacock, the name conveys the drama of its look and mating process.


You can learn from their behavior, too.

While birds aren’t setting out to create a brand for themselves, you can learn a surprising amount about branding and brand naming by studying birds and birds names. The way they put on a show for potential mates is very similar to the way that companies display themselves to prospective customers and current clients. Birds names are given to communicate the essence of a bird’s look and personality.

If you need help getting your company through the naming and branding process, the staff at A Hundred Monkeys specializes in company naming and brand building. We take a human-based approach to branding that seeks to connect with potential customers on their level. Contact us today to find out how we can help your company continue to grow.