9 Hilarious Amazon Product Reviews

By 100m
November 29, 2011
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Filed under Branding, Positioning
The perfect stocking stuffer.

Product reviews: They can be an endorsement of something extra special, or they can offer an entertaining way to rubberneck at the carnage along the highway of online shopping.

The standard application of the product review is pretty self-evident. It’s the medium by which you can rave about a favorite new juice processor or rant about how your Ansel Adams’ coffee table book is not actually coffee-proof.

Yet these gold star-assignments are merely a fraction of what a good product review is capable of. With the right mixture of wit and WTF, a clever criticism can lambaste a product’s silliness by turning it back in on itself, thereby ripping a vortex in the fabric of the online rating system.

And that’s where it becomes so much more than just a review. That’s when it steps out of the realm of simple likes and dislikes … and into the hallowed halls of satire.