Mary Joe Brand
These are confusing times for cannabis branding. Where is it coming from? Where is it going? What does it look and sound like? We wanted to learn a bit more about what exactly is going on in this space so we reached out to the owners of Mary Joe, a CBD-infused cold brew coffee company hailing from Southern California. The company has carved out a space for themselves as a wellness brand – think vitamins or kombucha – that promotes well-being and elevates “daily living” using cannabis. We caught up with Ryan Rankin, one of the minds behind Mary Joe, to ask him some questions about their brand, their space, and their direction. Here’s what he had to say.
Are there any regulatory or legal hurdles for discussing the health benefits of cannabis?
Depends entirely on context. With our products, we can’t make any specific claims to be able to cure anything in particular. It’s more about overall physical and mental well-being for us.
Do you see yourself in the wellness marijuana category?
I believe we straddle the lines between a few different realms. I wouldn’t label us just as a cannabis exclusive brand, but the benefits of CBD and cannabis in general are something we are passionate about. It is definitely weaved into the DNA of the Mary Joe brand.
Do you think wellness is a large draw for your audience? How much do you think that drives purchasing and brand loyalty?
I would like to think so. Our mission statement is “Ascended essentials to elevate daily living.” We put a lot of energy into creating products dedicated solely to enhancing the living experience.
As for brand loyalty, it’s hard to say. I think we’re just going to do what feels right to us and curate the Mary Joe experience accordingly. If others resonate with what we’re doing and are stoked enough to stay involved, that means so much to us!
Who’s your audience? Have you been surprised by who is buying your product?
Anyone looking to elevate personal well-being via a high-quality, curated platform.
We’ve been very surprised by the vast diversity among those who are taking to Mary Joe. In the short time we’ve been in motion we’ve received support from so many different types of humans. From high-profile athletes to musicians to soccer moms and everything in between.
It has been such a fun and interesting experience helping others to realize cannabis is not some taboo drug. Rather, cannabis and CBD are incredibly powerful tools to improve our bodies both mentally and physically.

I noticed professional surfer CJ Nelson drinks Mary Joe before a surf session and you sell your product in a lot of surf shops. Would you consider surfers your primary audience?
I wouldn’t say surfers are our primary audience per se. I do think growing up around wave riding culture definitely plays a big part in our identity from our aesthetic to some of the people we work with. CJ is a good old friend who is a major proponent for the healing qualities of CBD. We are psyched he supports the Mary Joe vision.
Where do you see your brand and product line going in the future?
We’re feeling passionate about expanding upon the “Ascended essentials” aspect of the project.
We will not just be doing coffee-related products. Rather, we want to create a balanced lineup of various ascended daily use items as well. I can’t go too deep into detail, so stay tuned!
Want to find out more about Mary Joe? Click here.