Helpful words

Branding is just like life: Give more than you get

There are certain rules in life that make the difference between living like you’re in Lord of the Flies or in the suburbs of Minneapolis. One of these rules is give more than you get — think of it as your meta brand promise. The concept is that if you’re only willing to go halfway…

Corporate Names

So you’ve decided to start a business. Now comes the fun part: choosing the best corporate name that will become the next globally recognized label of success.   Choosing the best corporate names can definitely be harder than it sounds. There are many ways you can go wrong, such as coming up with something hard…

Consider What You Like Best: Company Names that Speak to You

The best company names are the ones that stand out, strike a chord, and become immediately etched into people’s minds. The most important thing is to be original. There are enough generic company names out there — the last thing the world needs is another Smith Consulting, Los Angeles Imports or B&V Advertising. Don’t shy away…

How We Come Up With Company Names

What makes a great company? An innovative idea? A proven track record of results? An unwavering commitment to stellar customer service? Maybe you’re thinking that company names aren’t that important. Granted, the name isn’t everything, but it’s probably a lot more important than you realize. At A Hundred Monkeys, we devote the lion’s share of…

Why You Can’t Trust an Online Company Name Generator

A name isn’t everything, especially if you have a worthwhile product or service to deliver. But you’d be wrong if you said that names are irrelevant. In the business world, a name can actually have a tremendous impact on the success—or failure—of a brand. If you’re trying to start up a business, maybe you’ve given…

Being a Part of a Creative Group

Creativity is the paint that gives our world its color. If there were no creativity, we would all wear the same clothes, eat the same foods, live in the same square houses and eat the same vanilla ice cream. Yes, creativity gives us a reason to get up in the morning, but you may have…

Matching a Name to Your Art Direction

Art direction is an integral part of the world — so art directors carry a lot of weight on their shoulders. An artistic concept must be original, compelling and aesthetically pleasing, and it must complement the brand as a whole. If things don’t go well, the responsibility lies in the hands of the art director. No…

Brand building – an exercise in asymmetry

Do you have any idea how many brands are vying for your attention every day? It’s disgusting. Try this, check out that, Like this, Follow that, 20% more, satisfaction guaranteed! So to cope with this media swarm, people naturally employ some quick mental triage in order to decide what to pay attention to and what to…

Branding is just like life: Better to live it than overthink it

I just read an interview with Miuccia Prada by Scottish novelist Andrew O’Hagen. At one point in the conversation, O’Hagen notices that everything Prada is wearing is her own creation. He tells her that if he were in her shoes, he’d sometimes be desperate to get away from the brand. Her answer: “I’m never in…

UPDATE – June 14: Branding live-feed with Eli Altman

Due to unforeseen complications we have to cancel the General Assembly live cast. We’re really sorry it came to this. To make it up to you guys we’re going to do a (free) live cast of the presentation in the form of a Google+ hangout. We’ll post details shortly. Thanks.