Helpful words

How Much of Your Business Startup Allowance Should Go to Branding

When you’ve had a great idea and fully committed yourself to making it a reality, it’s easy to focus solely on development. It’s easy to focus all of your funds on development, too. After all, when you’re immersed in a project, you can feel like everyone else will see it the way that you do….

The Dos and Don’ts of Startup Branding

If you’ve read our blog, you know how often we emphasize that good branding, or lack thereof, can make or break any startup. No matter how good your business starting ideas  are on their own, you have to get people to notice, and then you have to get them to care. These are some of…

Your Business Plan Should Begin with Differentiation

For your business to be truly differentiated from the competition, you have to be doing something that no one else is doing. Even if you’re offering a product or service that is similar to what other people are doing, you need to make sure that your company is offering that product or service in a…

Business Startup Guide to Naming

Any business startup guide should include advice on naming. Your company’s name is the first thing that most people will see or hear about it, and it’s important to choose wisely and find a name that gets across the most important aspects of your brand. As any business startup guide will tell you, branding is…

Will the Real Baptists Please Stand Up?

  • About: Naming

Hate: if you don’t mind the bad press, it’s a great way to get noticed. And for the Westboro Baptist Church, it’s a godsend. Notorious for sniffing out public tragedy and exploiting it in the name of a God so vindictive he makes the Old Testament look like a Disney movie, Westboro members feed on…

Glendale Galleria

  • About: Naming

Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary

  • About: Naming

100M names Whitewater — Riverbed’s newest product.

  • About: Naming

From Enterprise Networking Planet: “As the move toward cloud-based IT infrastructure continues, so too does the need for network acceleration. To that end, WAN acceleration vendor Riverbed (NASDAQ:RVBD) is announcing new cloud-focused application and storage acceleration technologies to help expedite the adoption and usage of cloud technologies. Their newest product is called Whitewater.”

Greener Grass

Unsightly Staines? U.K. Town Needs an Ali G Remover

The British town of Staines has a problem with its name. But it’s not quite what you would expect. About 15 miles southwest of London, on the banks of the river Thames, lies a place that sounds like it manufactures soiled britches. But the funny thing about the people of Staines is that they’re actually…